Email FAQ
Getting our emails where you can
see them is super easy.
If you're an Insider, you should receive emails from us with our best deals. Not an Insider?
For Apple iPhone Users
Sometimes iCloud puts emails like ours in a separate "Promotions" tab. Here's how to get our emails delivered straight to your main inbox:
1. Switch back to the old inbox style:
- Open the Mail app.
- Tap the three dots in the corner.
- Choose "List View."

2. Add us to your Contacts:
- Drag an Ocean State Job Lot email from the "Promotions" tab to your inbox.
- Open your Contacts app and add [email protected] as a new contact.
- That's it! Now you'll always see our emails front and center.
For Gmail Users
Gmail sometimes sorts emails into categories like "Promotions" or "Social." Here's how to make sure our emails go straight to your main inbox:
1. Turn off categories:
- Open Gmail and click "Settings." Click "See all settings."
- Click "Inbox", select default from drop-down and uncheck all except primary.
- Click "Save Changes."

2. Tell Gmail we're important:
- Drag an Ocean State Job Lot email to your "Primary" tab.
- OR right-click an OSJL email and choose "Move to" then "Primary."
- OR add [email protected] to your Google contacts.
(You can do this by hovering over our name in an email and clicking "Add contacts.") - Easy peasy! Now you won't miss out on any of our great deals.

For AOL/Yahoo Users
AOL/Yahoo sometimes sorts emails into categories like "Offers." Here's how to get our emails delivered straight to your main inbox:
1. Turn off categories:
- Click the three dots on the left side of your inbox.
- Go to "Settings."
- Under "Personalize Inbox," uncheck "Inbox Categories."

2. Add us to your contacts:
- Open an Ocean State Job Lot email.
- Hover over our name or email address.
- Right-click and choose "Add to contacts."
- Enter our email address ([email protected]).
- Click "Save."
- Now you won't miss any of our great deals!